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It was thus said that the Great Daniel Silverstone once stated:
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 18:22:45 +0300, Nagaev Boris wrote:
> > > I *LOATHE* it when people expect bare domains to be exactly the same thing as
> > > webservers.  I will see about inserting a shim for dealing with this kind
> > > of lazy typing at some point soon.
> > 
> > Why to type this annoying "www."?
> > webserver can be distinguished from other services provided by a
> > domain by port used. 80 and 443 are for web. No need of special domain
> > for this.
> Because not all domains are hosted on a single system.  Pepperfish comprises
> over six computers.  The 'A' record on a domain is more about providing for bad
> mail systems which don't properly look up MX records (and yes these are
> plentiful).

  Then those systems have been up and running since 1986 then, when the MX
record (with a fallback to A) was introduced.  They might also be following

      For each MX, a WKS query should be issued to see if the domain
      name listed actually supports the mail service desired.  MX RRs
      which list domain names which do not support the service should be
      discarded.  This step is optional, but strongly encouraged.

(although RFC-1123 removed this optional step).

  A better theory is that the mail servers that ignore MX are just spammers
who don't really care about the details.  I've also seen the behavior of
spammers using backup MXs first for spamming, on the theory that backup MX
hosts won't do as much processing.

  -spc (Still, you might want to add WKS records 8-P