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Hi Marc,

I recommend that you use the "Merge request" feature of Github before merging your changes. This way, we can review your changes before they are merged into the master branch, it's easier this way.

There was already a pull request for adding 5.3 support:

But it was breaking the bigint support hack in 5.1 (for PG BIGINT datatype, using the external int64 library).

Your commit keeps this but don't use native 5.3 support everywhere it should in my opinion.
You might want to have a look at the above mentioned PR and add a few more 5.3 checks in plluaapi.c



> Le 20 mars 2016 à 13:00, Marc Balmer <> a écrit :
>> Am 20.03.2016 um 12:40 schrieb Marc Balmer <>:
>> I updated the PL/Lua language for PostgreSQL stored procedures found at to include support for Lua 5.3.
> Oops, that is, of course...