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As you may have noticed the pace of change in Ravi has slowed. This is
mainly because I have a lack of spare time (and this will likely be a
problem until summer) but also because I wish to try Ravi out in a
real application and see where the problems are. I also intend to work
on following when I get some time:

1. A new parser and code generator for Ravi - the existing Lua based
one will remain as it is unbeatable for efficiency and performance.
The new one will be optional and will be aimed at better code
generation and optimization (such as automatic inlining of functions).

2. Now that Ravi can put several Lua functions in a single LLVM
module, this enables some code to be moved to LLVM functions instead
of being inlined as now. We can allow the LLVM optimizer to inline
where needed rather than attempting to generate inline code in all

3. Ravi desperately needs an IDE with integrated debugger. I posted
about this a while ago - my current thinking is that I will add this
to Microsoft's VSCode project. This is highest on my priority list so
I will work on this first if and when I get some free time.

I am hoping to put Ravi to real world usage this year and will keep you updated.

Thanks and Regards