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Am 25.06.2016 um 23:57 schröbte Tim Hill:

On Jun 25, 2016, at 2:38 PM, Philipp Janda <> wrote:

The more interesting question is: Should the rest of the table
library work on the kind of tables returned by `table.pack()`? Most
functions respect `_len` (and `__(new)index`), but in case of
`table.insert()`, `table.remove()`, and `table.move()` you have to
*update* the length, which isn't possible with `__len` alone.
Originally intended or not, the `table.pack()` tables are now a
prototype for potentially sparse arrays in Lua. Is this a more
useful format for arrays in Lua than sequences? Should Lua
encourage using `t.n` tables instead of sequences for most/all
array needs?

Hence my earlier post. Of course, *every* Lua table is a sparse
array, though in many cases its empty.

If you allow `nil` values in arrays, it's not that simple. Consider `local t = {}`. This could be an empty table, or a sparse array consisting of a single `nil` value, ..., or a million `nil` values.

That is, unless you *define* a sparse array as a table having an “n”

Bingo! I'd say an `n` key with an integer value greater than or equal to 0, but let's not nitpick. I also think this would have been a viable alternative to the sequence concept we now have, because it has some useful properties:

*  It can hold `nil` values.
* There's no undefinedness or inconsistency regarding length and contents of the table.
*  "Calculating" the array length is O(1).
* Resizing is O(1) (although you probably would want to clear integer keys that fell out of the new array range). * *Checking* whether a table is an array is O(1) (which is much better than what we have now).
*  The table library could be adapted to this protocol without problems.
*  You can still have mixed tables (with hash and array elements).
* It fits nicely with the world view that tables are mappings from arbitrary keys to the default value `nil` -- with a few explicit exceptions.

* Modifying an array range would be a two step process; you couldn't shrink an array just by assigning `nil` to `t[#t]`, or grow it by assigning to `t[#t+1]`. I suppose most people would start using the table library functions for this (if they don't do that already). * Counting elements in table literals is cumbersome (Lua could help with that, though).

(and hope no-one uses this perfectly normal key for something

It doesn't matter as long as you don't pass this table to one of the array processing functions. If you do anyway, Bad Things(TM) will happen, but this is no different than what happens with sequences now. `n` has a tradition since Lua 5.0, it is conveniently short, and `table.pack()` already uses it, but I don't care much about the name.

So what use is # or “.n”
anyway? Primarily, it gives an upper bound for iteration, sorting

I'd say it defines the end of the range you are interested in.

