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Thanks for the replies. I don't quite understand how deep down this is implemented:

- It is mentioned in luaL_loadfilex but not in lua_load which seems to be the more basic function.
- It is mentioned in the Lua standalone but does it also apply when used as an extension? Or does thsi depend on what you use to load a file?


On 8 August 2016 at 00:11, Henrik Ilgen <> wrote:

The shebang behavior is defined in section 7 of the manual:

> To allow the use of Lua as a script interpreter in Unix systems, the
> standalone interpreter skips the first line of a chunk if it starts
> with #. Therefore, Lua scripts can be made into executable programs
> by using chmod +x and the #! form, as in



On 07.08.2016 23:39, Robert Virding wrote:
> Hi,
> I implement luerl, an Lua implementation running on top of erlang/OTP
> (, and try to keep it as compatible as
> I can with standard Lua, currently Lua 5.2.
> One thing I have noticed is that is skips leading "shebang" line, that
> is a line which starts with "#! / ...". This is useful for scripts and
> for loading script files into Lua. Where is this documented? Is it
> documented? I have tried to find it but haven't been successful.
> It also skips leading BOM as well.
> Thanks for any help,
> Robert