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2017-04-27 5:16 GMT+02:00 Jay Carlson <>:
> On Apr 26, 2017, at 10:58 PM, Andrew Starks <> wrote:
>> The current market for Lua, which includes all those that use it
> and all those that should, does not want a standard library very badly, if at all.

> Sure, Lua already has a standard library; but by design it's missing
> almost anything you could reasonably implement in Lua.

The things I miss most sorely can't.

1. Terminal emulation.
2. Graphics.
3. Sound.
4. Internet access.

I've almost made my peace with lcurses and lua-curl, but decent libraries
for the two others elude me (fortunately Love is very strong on those,
marketing it as a game engine is selling it short).

-- Dirk