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Hum, another thing strange.

I tested the following code

    local q3 = SelFIFO.Find("myFifo")
    local mt = getmetatable(q3)
    print('--- mt ----')
    for k,v in pairs(mt) do print(k,v) end

    print('--- index ---')
    for k,v in pairs(mt.__index) do print(k,v) end

But it's output is :

    --- mt ----
    dump    function: 0x13e7270
    list    function: 0x13e7290
    Pop    function: 0x13e4188
    __index    table: 0x13e7058
    Push    function: 0x13e4148
    --- index ---
*E* (launch) Selenites/FIFO.sel:31: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)

How it's possible to got something during table scanning but being unable to retrieve it ?

The C code behind is the following (lua 5.1) :

static const struct luaL_reg SelFFLib [] = {
    {"Create", sff_create},
    {"Find", sff_find},
    {NULL, NULL}

static const struct luaL_reg SelFFM [] = {
    {"Push", sff_push},
    {"Pop", sff_pop},
/*    {"HowMany", sff_HowMany}, */
    {"dump", sff_dump},
    {"list", sff_list},
    {NULL, NULL}

void init_SelFIFO( lua_State *L ){    /* CAUTION : called also when thread are created */
    luaL_newmetatable(L, "SelFIFO");
    lua_pushstring(L, "__index");
    lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
    lua_settable(L, -3);    /* metatable.__index = metatable */
    luaL_register(L, NULL, SelFFM);
    luaL_register(L,"SelFIFO", SelFFLib);

Code :

And this function is called by :

    lua_State *tstate = luaL_newstate(); /* Initialise new state for the thread */
    luaL_openlibs( tstate );
    init_shared_Lua( tstate );
    init_SelFIFO( tstate );

code :



Le Mercredi 28 juin 2017 17h04, Laurent FAILLIE <> a écrit :

I tried

        local q3 = SelFIFO.Find("myFifo")
        local mt = getmetatable(q3)
        mt.__index = mt

but the result is the same :
    Selenites/FIFO.sel:27: attempt to call method 'dump' (a nil value)

Anyway, it's strange it's working in my main thread and not the slave one : state initialization code is strictly the same.

Best regards,
