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you made me a bit sad, but i can understand your point. first when you
appeared with your plans i've thought you are a competitor around my
aims, but even if i've found later that's far not the case, i became
interested in your work and i've found you to be a great mind under
the flag of lua. i can't really say much to make you stay, but mostly
you already have so much behind you, maybe you can count that as extra
work with python, as you've said you have no enough life to do the
remaining work. i think financial folks are mostly not programmer
geniuses, who are great with python and in general with programming,
they could find lua as an easy to learn and use tool. the best i can
suggest, is to invest more into asking your target group, show them
benefits of both sides, and take a deeper look around for the
available tools, and possibly you can go farer by asking the local
community to help make the needed tools, as i can see the common
interest. possibly if you show your aims and python tools you need,
the community can offer good alternatives and some hands for shared
needs. just as not only you but your target group have to learn all
those tools as well, not just python, ravi or lua.

one of my aims is to bring down the wonder of programming for the 'man
of mold' (-> mortals), and i'm making tools for this purpose (i'm
still around funds, far from shiny ornaments to the top), and i've
came from python land (i know mostly lua, fullstack web, bash, c and
python, and checking out anything new and popular in the wild, and i
can read almost anything that was written for computers) - with this
background i didn't find anything better in the wild, and i have
really so much points of view for selection. i've got stuck on python
land with my goals, and then i had 2weeks of intensive research
starting from assembly upwards, this way i arrived here, and i love
lua day after day only more, while walking around with opened eyes for
any other possibilities. this project is still private, mostly right
because what Russell Haley said about big corps. i have 4k+ lines of
notes for my plans and i know well that nothing will be harmed here,
just i've got no much time for a long while because of getting some
existence and funds.

you could think the same, as first making tools that can boost your
work instead of optimizing. second good aim is to make much usable
things, so when you will have a good product with enough people
involved, then they will boost you the most, but that time you will
stuck with the funds you have. therefor give much time for over
thinking all corners in your mind, and do your research in all depths.
python with much tools won't be easier to use, as a masterpiece with
all the necessary things given, and a huge tangled infrastructure is
kinda untouchable. this can harm you easier with python i think. one
of my goals is to make untouchable to touchable and fragile to
bendable - but don't wait for me, i have a so long road to walk down,
but i can help you, if you have good questions.

most likely you got tired, but a restart is more likely a soul killer
then having a rest take a deep breathe and continue, watch around for
help anyway, write your goals for them, share your aims, tools and
achievements with them, and you will be fine. i think you wanna work
for something that will work for you later, the best way for this is
to open up doors, and get help for make things complete after the
funds will show the way and make it easy to finalize, but you can
become much more tired than now, if you are farer from the funds that
you can offer for help. and maybe put on some bad habits, those can
help much to stay strong :D

and all the bests for your path! :)