and puts its basic AST representation into a lua table that looks something like this:
While my implementation works, I feel like I am circumventing a lot of the actual capturing mechanisms of LPeg in order to deal with back-referencing to build the hierarchy. I’d like to get some feedback on weather there are any better ways to approach this kind of grammar using LPeg. I am new to it in general so I might be missing something obvious here. Thank you very much!! Here is my lua code, it should just run if you have LPeg installed:
local lpeg = require("lpeg")
-- some basic lpeg helpers
local Newline = lpeg.S("\n\r")
local Indent = lpeg.P(" ") -- indent is just four spaces for now
-- helpers for back referencing and building
-- the final hierarchy.
local root = {children = {}}
local currentParent = root
local lastNode = root
local currentIndent = 0
-- helper to do all the indentation trickery that needs
-- to be applied to each line of the input
local function handleLine(_str)
-- compute the current indent level of the line
local idx = (Indent ^ 0):match(_str)
local id = _str:sub(1, idx - 1)
local level = id:len() / 4
-- check if the parent changed based on the indent level
local parent = currentParent
if level > currentIndent then
-- we went one level deeper
parent = lastNode
elseif level < currentIndent then
-- we returned to the previous level
parent = parent.parent
-- set the current parent and level
currentParent = parent
currentIndent = level
-- create the new node
local name = _str:sub(idx)
local node = {parent = currentParent, children = {}, name = name}
-- and insert it into the hierarchy
table.insert(currentParent.children, node)
lastNode = node
return name
-- pattern to detect individual lines and call handleLine on the resulting line
local Line = ((Newline ^ 0 * lpeg.C((1 - Newline) ^ 1) / handleLine)) ^ 0
-- the test string to lex
local testString = "el\n child1\n child11\n child2"
-- perform the lexing
-- NOTE: we are not using any captures here right now as we basically
-- do all the capturing manuall in handleLine :(
-- helper to print the hierarchy
local function printHierarchy(_node, _indent)
local indentStr = string.rep(" ", _indent)
print(indentStr .. "{")
if then print(indentStr .. " name = " .. end
if #_node.children > 0 then
print(indentStr .. " children = ")
for _, v in ipairs(_node.children) do
printHierarchy(v, _indent + 1)
print(indentStr .. "},")
-- print the resulting hierarchy
printHierarchy(root, 0)