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On 10.07.2017 02:55, Gary V. Vaughan wrote:

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

     luarocks install luaposix 34.0.1


installation works, but ends with messages like this:

Removing luaposix 33.4.0-1...
Could not remove /usr/share/lua/5.3/luaposix_33_4_0_1- posix/_argcheck.lua: /usr/share/lua/5.3/luaposix_33_4_0_1-posix/_argcheck.lua not found

... and 'luarocks list' shows that the old version of luaposix is still present. Subsequent re-installations of 34.0.1 produce the same message, albeit with different file names (compat.lua, _argcheck.lua and so on).

Any idea how to get rid of this?
