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MSYS won’t work, that’s a unix/posix environment. The gcc toolchain can work, but might require some manual fiddling with the config file. A PR was just merged to make this more “automagic” for gcc based distributions. There are some instruction [1] using
MinGW (which is the older 32 bit unmaintained version, the newer 64bit maintained MinGW is supported by the recent PR)
As Steve commented, it’s the changing runtimes that are a major pita for this. But even then a bunch of Luarocks packages for windows only build with either gcc or MS toolchains (using make files etc, instead of the LuaRocks build backbend), so some packages
will still be unavailable depending on your compiler choice.
Since the binary distributions are labelled as “win32” with LuaRocks, there is no notion of the runtime libs they have been build with. So for now impossible to build a reliable set of binary rocks, simply because we cannot label them properly.
Anyway, you could also give LuaWinMulti [2] a try, it’s a batch file that installs multiple Lua versions with accompanying LuaRocks versions. But you might run into the same issue as I have never tested it with VS 2017.
I’d be interested in the results though.
[1] Lua on Windows: http://www.thijsschreijer.nl/blog/?p=863 but most of the steps are automated by [2]
[2] LuaWinMulti https://github.com/Tieske/luawinmulti