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> I do value a lot the possibility of being able to keep writing code
> that's "5.1 and up" compatible (LuaRocks is like that!). But I'd
> prefer to have a syntax that doesn't work at all on 5.1-5.3 than to
> have 5.4 code that runs on 5.3 (and vice-versa) but then silently
> behaves differently.

I don't see how 't[i]=undef' would behave differently with the new or
the old semantics. What will behave differently is 't[i]=nil' (after
all, this is the whole point of the change in the behavior), which
we should avoid.

> [...] if anywhere you forget and "unset" a key with nil (which you
> can do indirectly, e.g. with table.move(), so no, grepping the sources
> isn't enough), [...]

Just for curiosity, can you give me a real-case example of unseting a
key with nil indirectly through table.move?

-- Roberto