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> > For one of my projects I need to reliably change the environment of a function*
> > While doing some experimenting to see how this could best be done in a way
> > that works in both LuaJIT and 5.3, I came across the following behavior:
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > As you can see, if a normal upvalue is used before any "global" variable, _ENV
> > is not the first upvalue. While the reference manual doesn't really state that
> > _ENV has to be the first upvalue, the load function does seem to assume this
> > and while digging through the archive, there was another thread where everyone
> > seemed to be taking it for granted that _ENV is always the first upvalue.
> > 
> > Is this supposed to behave like this, or is it a bug? [...]
> There was a recent discussion about this topic in the list, starting
> with

See also

-- Roberto