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If you hold a reference to them they won't be garbage collected, if you don't hold a reference to them how will you be able to keep them alive/address them/ever delete them?

Or am I missing a usecase (entities with coroutines or something?)

On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 10:07 PM Sergey Zakharchenko <> wrote:
Hello list,

I've long since noticed the fixedgc, luaC_fix, etc. stuff in internals
of newer Lua (it used to be luaS_fix, but generalized since --- a good
thing IMHO). I see some value in it if it could be exposed to user
code instead of remaining an implementation detail (I also think I see
how it can be a problem). Is there any chance of this happening or is
it hidden deliberately?

Best regards,


P.S. One way to avoid off-topic conversations is, well, actually
having a more on-topic conversation.