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TLDR;  Is there a way to add items to my rockspec so that LuaRocks knows to automagically re-create dependencies in the project tree instead of a global or local tree? 

I've set up a little project to use the LuaRocks project tree. I then use the local luarocks shell script to add modules to the project tree:

russellh@canary-dev:~/git/myproj1$luarocks init myproj1
russellh@canary-dev:/tmp/myproj1$ ./luarocks install chronos

From what I can tell, LuaRocks doesn't add my dependencies to the rockspec automagically (which isn't a problem) so I will be manually adding my dependencies. Here's where the question comes in: Is there a way to add items to my rockspec so that LuaRocks knows to automagically re-create dependencies in the project tree instead of a global or local tree?  Or alternatively, is there a command to use that will achieve this?

I ask this because I will be saving the project in Git and moving between a FreeBSD computer and a Linux system. LuaRocks wisely adds a .gitignore file so I would like to be able to use the rockspec to re-inflate the project when I transfer to a new computer or when the dependencies have changed.

A corollary question is: Is there a way to initialize a project so that the lua and luarocks shell scripts created on `luarocks init` point to a project tree?

Thanks in advance,