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abs(n) is as much arbitrary as the number of digits, i.e. roughly log10(abs(n) for integers...
This still does not work properly for non-integers, or large integers whose integral precision is lost by the value stored in exponential format with an aribtrary fixed number of digits.

Also I agree that length == 0 is valid to represent an empty set, but it's still not a valid Lua sequence number.

As well "#t" in Lua is not the total number of items in a table, but only the length of one of its extracted sequences.(which are not unique or could be empty if the table has holes for some sequence numbers. Meaning efefctively that "#t" or ipairs(t) is unreliable in Lua for tables, and works only for some of them that are valid sequences. And even if it's a valid sequence, there may still be more items in the table (whose keys are not integers or are integers <= 0 and thus implicitly excluded from sequences).

But your initial comment allowed the value 0 in keys of the input table, which was incorrect
Because it only allows 0 on valid output for the "length" of some unpredicatable sequence (including an empty sequence) extracted from the table,. If #t == 0, it does not mean that table t is empty..

In summary: saying a table's length == 0 is NOT equivalent to saying that the same table is empty. That's a good reson why the "#" operator and the ipairs() iterator in Lua are unrelaible, unpredictable, you should not create any generic algorigthm assuming it, or you'll need to check the result of pairs(t) to see if it returns at least one (key,value) pair or nil.

Le mer. 8 mai 2019 à 02:16, Coda Highland <> a écrit :
On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 6:50 PM Philippe Verdy <> wrote:
No, 0 is not a valide sequence number... Sequences in Lua are restricted to ordinals from 1 to N (without holes).

Note that the first comment about length of numbers was still accurate: it said it used a default conversion of numbers to string. But all the problem is the formatting of this number. PHP made a choice for such representation of numbers as strings, Java as well, for their builtin converters. C/C++ did not make any choice, as the result is dependant of the context and there's no default format.

In Lua there's also a default format, the one you see in consoles when printing numbers: this is this format that allows a length to be meaningful.

But string lengths are conceprtually the same as sequence lengths in Lua tables (strings in lua are a compact form to store an indexed table of characters enumerable as a valid sequence).

For Lua numbers however you need a converter to generate a sequence (of digits in some base, or signs, or decimal and grouping separators, or exponent prefix). Without it you cannot enumerate numbers with a well defined positional index for use as if they were table keys.

Note that even if sequence numbers cannot be 0, the sequence length can be 0 of the sequence of empty or is equal to the last key of the enumerated sequence.

As I said, 0 represents the empty set. It IS a sequence, but it's a sequence containing nothing. A loop over the 0 sequence will iterate 0 times. 

The default format doesn't allow the length to be meaningful as you describe, because that format is platform-specific and varies based on the underlying C library implementation. Furthermore, while it can be called "meaningful" in the sense that you can assign a meaning to it, that doesn't mean it's a useful meaning. That meaning would imply that n[i] would return the i'th character of the string representation of the number, which is -- again -- a choice you could make that would be well-defined but why would that ever be something you'd want to do, as opposed to converting the number to a string first?

If Lua offered a range() function like Python's that could be used analogously to ipairs(), then #n would match the length of the sequence returned by range(). You could similarly define a chars() iterator function for strings such that #s would match the length of that sequence. This would make a very clean symmetry: tables with ipairs(), strings with chars(), numbers with range(), and all of them have the same behavior with #.

That said, #n == abs(n) is also a very defensible argument. Instead of trying to generalize numbers as sequences like I did in my previous post, this instead generalizes # as a notion of size. This doesn't have any useful properties with regards to sequences or iteration, but it's robustly non-arbitrary in its meaning.

/s/ Adam