> We have much bigger problem in Lua: every typo in a local variable's name silently converts it to global.
The fix for that is well known and widely distributed under the name strict.lua.
Try to use strict.lua to find a typo in this code:
for number = 11, math.huge do
local sum = 0
for divisor = 1, number do
sum = sum + (number % divisor == 0 and divisor or 0)
if sum/number == 1.8 then
print("Friend of 10 is "..mumber) -- the typo is here
There is a problem with strict.lua: you have to write tests to cover all code paths.
Branching in Lua code is possible due to "while/repeat/for", "if/then/else", "goto", and due to short-circuit evaluation of expressions (such as "x = y or z").
Covering all branches by tests is either labour-consuming or impossible (see the example above).
The typo-in-locals problem could be solved only by an external parser/analyzer (luacheck?).
So why not delegating "to-be-closed variables assignment" problem to the same external parser/analyzer?
Particularly taking into consideration that non-constant to-be-closed variables might also be useful in Lua.