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On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 8:25 AM Sam Putman <> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 11:00 PM Eretnek Hippi Messiás <> wrote:

luaffi is slowly bleeding out, its not even supported in ravi anymore (ive never checked out its sauce), luajit doesnt play nicely with the c api, and i think lua would still work better with the c api, even if luaffi would be polished...

Could you expand on what you mean by 'LuaJIT doesn't play nicely with the C API'? 

I've used several conventional C packages in LuaJIT without any problems.


I imagine the issue being alluded to is that LuaJIT has to disable compilation around functions implemented using the C API. It has to entirely throw away any assumptions it can make about the Lua state because a Lua C function can do literally anything to it and the JIT has no way to know about it. If you're using Lua C functions, you're basically getting the advantages of LuaJIT's hand-tuned-asm interpreter but losing out on most of the advantage of compilation.

/s/ Adam