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On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 19:45:30 -0500
Javier Guerra Giraldez <> wrote:

> the thing that surprised me is the popularity of Lua 5.1   The usual
> answer is because of LuaJIT stagnation, but Lua5.1 bars are
> significantly higher than LuaJIT's so i'm not sure it's the main
> reason.

What is LuaJIT stagnation? Is LuaJIT not effective for versions after
5.1? I just did a test using 5,000,000 iterations of count-down-and
print on Tcl, Ruby, Python, Lua (interpreted), Perl, C (compiled), and
LuaJIT. The prints were to stdout, and when the executable ran stdout
was redirected to /dev/null so I was testing the program and not the
system's print. The results were:

* Tcl took about 9.5 seconds
* Python, Ruby, and Lua (interpreted) about 4.5 seconds
* Perl about 1.6 seconds
* LuaJIT about 0.65 seconds
* Compiled C about 0.52 seconds

I'd say for an application needing speed (not bottlenecked by the
user), this makes LuaJIT very relevant.


Steve Litt 
February 2020 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times