Here is simplified processing, hash_value = hash% size
we set t = {[8] = 1, [16] = 2, [24] = 3, [32] = 4, [14] = 5}
8 16 24 32 mainposition is node[0]
14 mainposition is node[6]
so they will be: [0]8 [1]nil [2]nil [3]nil [4]24 [5]32 [6]14 [7]16
[0]8 --> [5]32 --> [4]24 --> [7]16 --> NULL
[6]14 --> NULL
then set a[32] = nil
then set a[13] = 6 (13 mainposition is node[5])
it will be
[0]8 --> [5]13 --> [4]24 --> [7]16 --> NULL ( Different hashes are chained together, but we can still find 8 13 24 16. It looks normal. )
[6]14 --> NULL
Now the keys of hash_value = 0 and hash_value = 5 will be linked together. Although it does not affect the use, the length of the conflict chain becomes longer
Does this situation meet the original intention of lua table design?