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On 24 Apr 2020, at 21:28, Michael Nelson <> wrote:

Does anyone have a *simple* makefile for lua v5.4-rc1? It would be for the mingw compiler on Windows 10. The makefiles with the source code are just to complex for me too understand. I just need to build lua.exe, luac.exe, and lua54.dll. I can handle installation and testing manually.

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As Russell pointed out;
Option 1) 
> Luawinmake uses batch to build Lua. The repo has a 5.4 branch but I don't know if it works with rc1

Is available, was created created for work1 release, but just validated it still works with RC1 as well.

The CI failures are because it tries to download the sources, which are not available yet in the regular place since it is an RC.


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