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Hi list,

I've tagged and released Luacheck 0.24.0. Luacheck is a linter for
Lua, detecting
accidental globals, unused variables and values, unreachable code, etc.,

To install it with LuaRocks run `luarocks install luacheck`.

This release includes new code added since 0.23.0 by Eduardo Bart,
Hisham Muhammad, Simon Holywell, spacewander, Matthew Wild and Peter

This release was prompted by Eduardo Bart's contribution, adding
support for running luacheck using Lua 5.4, for which I made a small
additional contribution by making the parser accept Lua 5.4
<attribute> syntax (but it currently ignores it, no checks are
actually performed).

Luacheck is still in need of a maintainer.

Changelog follows:

### Changes

* Caching now uses files in a global directory instead of local
  `.luacheckcache` file. Default cache directory is
  `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Luacheck\Cache` on Windows,
  `~/Library/Caches/Luacheck` on OS X/macOS, and
  `$XDG_CACHE_HOME/luacheck` or `~/.config/luacheck` on other systems.

### Fixes

* Fixes for using Luacheck with Lua 5.4:
  - Parse 5.4 attributes in `local` declarations (but ignores them for now)
  - Luacheck itself can also run with Lua 5.4
* Fixed `randomize` missing from `busted` set of standard globals (#183).
* Added additional `table` and `thread` definitions for `ngx_lua`.
* Added additional `match` definition for `busted`.

### Miscellaneous

* Upgraded Windows binary components: Lua 5.3.4 -> 5.3.5,
  LuaFileSystem 1.6.3 -> 1.7.0.

-- Best regards,
-- Hisham Muhammad