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On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 10:40 PM bel wrote:
Also (my) algebra books define commutativity, associativity, distributivity ... but never "left to right execution".
I am not aware of any university grade algebra book (for mathematics students ... not programming books) that defines "left to right execution order".
I mean a book on fundamental algebra

Why should a fundamental algebra book teach you how to use a calculator?

Algebra studies groups.
Group's binary operation is associative.
The order of calculations is irrelevant for an associative operation.
That's why you've never read about "L-to-R" and "R-to-L" order in algebra books.
If operation is commutative, it might be referred to as "multiplication",
and "division by x" is defined as "multiplying by the inverse of x".
So, in the absence of parentheses
a/b/c = a * b^(-1) * c^(-1)
by the definition of division.

I NEVER heard of a left to right execution rule in math (only in programming), not at school, not at university.
You should definitely have learned it in school. 
Have you never seen such pictures in your math class?