Hello,after upgrading my Gentoo, I discovered that some tools (like Conky) supports on Lua 5.3 now.Which is problematic for me as I'm still having other tools needing Lua 5.1Is it a way to integrate Lua's versions inLUA_PATHandLUA_CPATH???? For the moment, I have something like this one,LUA_PATH='./?.lua;/usr/lib/lua/luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/lib/lua/luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/lib/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/lib/lua/5.1/?/init.lua'but it is took in account by both versions so creating problem issue with 5.3 tools.ThanksLaurent