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On Mon, 10 Jan 2022 at 15:02, Scott Morgan <> wrote:
On 10/01/2022 14:12, Thijs Schreijer wrote:
> Deprecating the XML module seemed like the right thing to do. A lot of
> fixes and improvements to the xml module have been made in this release,
> But whilst performing those updates it became clear that specialised
> libraries should be used for parsing XML, and not a general propose
> utility library like Penlight, hence the decision.

This is a shame, as most the XML libs out there seem to be abandoned.

LuaExpat : 2011

LuaExpat is still maintained! I released 1.3.0 in 2014 (which is in distros), and plan to release 1.4.0 soon™ with a number of changes, many from the original maintainer Tomas. It's overall a stable and finished library, so things don't move fast. However I and a bunch of active projects depend on it heavily. If you have any problems with it, now is a good time to report them so they can be included in the release (otherwise you may have to wait another decade!). The latest code is here:

Also at some point (also Soon™) I will likely transition the repository to along with a couple of other modules I've ended up with, such as LuaDBI.
