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The Lua mailing list was created 25 years ago, on Feb 20th, 1997.
Over 142000 messages have been posted since then.
You can read and search the full archive at

While the number of subscribers has remained stable around 2700 in the
last few years, traffic in lua-l has decreased markedly:

This change in the volume of traffic in lua-l probably reflects both the
maturity of the Lua community and the existence of other channels for
asking questions, such as stackoverflow and pt.stackoverflow:
I hope you can join these channels and help people out.

To repeat what I have said in these milestones, it's very satisfying that,
the signal-to-noise ratio in lua-l remains quite high. This is mainly due
to those who generously share their expertise with the whole Lua community.
On behalf of the Lua team, I thank you all for joining and helping others.

I trust we can keep lua-l friendly and welcoming, and full of good advice.
The list is the focal point of the Lua community and it is a continuous
source of motivation for improving Lua.
