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Bug Summary(GPT-4):
In Lua 5.4.6, there may be a bug that causes the 'CALL' hook to be
called again when a Lua yield occurs in the 'COUNT' hook. This issue
happens when running Lua code with local functions that are not
variadic functions.
Example Code:
The example code provided demonstrates the issue by setting up a
'CALL' hook and a 'COUNT' hook with a yield. The Lua code contains a
local function that is not a variadic function. When running the code,
the output shows that the 'CALL' hook is called twice, which is
unexpected behavior.
This issue does not occur when calling a variadic function or when not
yielding in the 'COUNT' hook.
Possible Cause:
The issue seems to be caused by the luaD_hookcall function not being
discarded after a yield and resume, causing it to be called again.
A possible fix for this issue would be to ensure that the
luaD_hookcall function is properly discarded after a yield and resume,
preventing it from being called again.
Lua Version 5.4.6
Example Code:
#include <lua.hpp>
#define QUOTE(...) #__VA_ARGS__
static void call_hook(lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar);
static void pause_hook(lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar) {
lua_sethook(L, call_hook, LUA_MASKCALL, 0);
lua_yield(L, 0);
static void call_hook(lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar) {
lua_getinfo(L, "S", ar);
printf("call_hook event %d addr %d what %s\n",
ar->event,ar->linedefined, ar->what);
lua_sethook(L, pause_hook, LUA_MASKCOUNT, 1);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
lua_State *L = luaL_newstate();
lua_State *l = lua_newthread(L);
luaL_loadstring(l, QUOTE(
local f = function(...)
lua_sethook(l, call_hook, LUA_MASKCALL, 0);
int rc = 1;
int nres;
while (rc) {
rc = lua_resume(l, NULL, 0, &nres);
printf("ret = %d\n", rc);
lua code:
local f = function()
the output:
call_hook event 0 addr 0 what main
ret = 1
call_hook event 0 addr 1 what Lua
ret = 1
call_hook event 0 addr 1 what Lua
ret = 0
When running the code, the output shows that the 'CALL' hook is called
twice, which is unexpected behavior.
SPECIAL, when call a variadic function
local f = function(...)
the output is
call_hook event 0 addr 0 what main
ret = 1
call_hook event 0 addr 1 what Lua
ret = 1
ret = 0
OR, do not yield
static void pause_hook(lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar) {
lua_sethook(L, call_hook, LUA_MASKCALL, 0);
//lua_yield(L, 0);
the output is
call_hook event 0 addr 0 what main
call_hook event 0 addr 1 what Lua
ret = 0
Different function types lead to different results.
Don't yield in 'COUNT' hook lead to different results.
So,I think this should not be the expected behavior, there may be a bug.
WHY this happen in example code, detailed process
0. Not critical, skip the first call event "call_hook event 0 addr 0 what main"
1. luaD_hookcall call 'CALL' hook
output "call_hook event 0 addr 1 what lua" & set hook mask MASKCOUNT
1148 void luaV_execute (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci) {
1163 if (l_unlikely(trap)) {
1164 if (pc == cl->p->code) { /* first instruction (not resuming)? */
1165 if (cl->p->is_vararg)
1166 trap = 0; /* hooks will start after VARARGPREP instruction */
1167 else /* check 'call' hook */
1168 luaD_hookcall(L, ci);// call 'CALL' hook <---***------***-
1169 }
1170 ci->u.l.trap = 1; /* assume trap is on, for now */
1171 }
2. into main loop of interpreter after luaD_hookcall
1173 /* main loop of interpreter */
1174 for (;;) {
1175 Instruction i; /* instruction being executed */
1176 vmfetch();
3. vmfetch->luaG_traceexec call 'COUNT' hook(with lua_yield) and throw yield.
notice, luaD_throw(L, LUA_YIELD) in luaG_traceexec and mark
callstatus CIST_HOOKYIELD.
880 int luaG_traceexec (lua_State *L, const Instruction *pc) {
902 if (counthook)
903 luaD_hook(L, LUA_HOOKCOUNT, -1, 0, 0); /* call count hook */
915 if (L->status == LUA_YIELD) { /* did hook yield? */
916 if (counthook)
917 L->hookcount = 1; /* undo decrement to zero */
918 ci->u.l.savedpc--; /* undo increment (resume will increment
it again) */
919 ci->callstatus |= CIST_HOOKYIELD; /* mark that it yielded */
//3. MAKR CIST_HOOKYIELD <---***------***-
920 luaD_throw(L, LUA_YIELD);
921 }
871 LUA_API int lua_yieldk (lua_State *L, int nresults, lua_KContext ctx,
872 lua_KFunction k) {
885 ci->u2.nyield = nresults; /* save number of results */
886 if (isLua(ci)) { /* inside a hook? */ //3. INSIDE A HOOK
887 lua_assert(!isLuacode(ci));
888 api_check(L, nresults == 0, "hooks cannot yield values");
889 api_check(L, k == NULL, "hooks cannot continue after yielding");
890 }
4.resume, luaV_execute `luaD_hookcall` call 'CALL' hook again when
called hook last after VM yielded.
output "call_hook event 0 addr 1 what lua" twice
1148 void luaV_execute (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci) {
1163 if (l_unlikely(trap)) {
1164 if (pc == cl->p->code) { /* first instruction (not resuming)? */
1165 if (cl->p->is_vararg)
1166 trap = 0; /* hooks will start after VARARGPREP instruction */
1167 else /* check 'call' hook */
1168 luaD_hookcall(L, ci); // call 'CALL' hook <---***------***-
1169 }
1170 ci->u.l.trap = 1; /* assume trap is on, for now */
1171 }
5. into main loop of interpreter vmfetch->luaG_traceexec erase
880 int luaG_traceexec (lua_State *L, const Instruction *pc) {
896 if (ci->callstatus & CIST_HOOKYIELD) { /* called hook last time? */
897 ci->callstatus &= ~CIST_HOOKYIELD; /* erase mark */
898 return 1; /* do not call hook again (VM yielded, so it did not move) */
899 }
A possible fix for this issue would be to ensure that the
luaD_hookcall function is properly discarded when VM yielded,
preventing it from being called again.
diff --git a/lvm.c b/lvm.c
index 2b437bdf..fd52127c 100644
--- a/lvm.c
+++ b/lvm.c
@@ -1165,7 +1165,8 @@ void luaV_execute (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci) {
if (cl->p->is_vararg)
trap = 0; /* hooks will start after VARARGPREP instruction */
else /* check 'call' hook */
- luaD_hookcall(L, ci);
+ if (!(ci->callstatus & CIST_HOOKYIELD))
+ luaD_hookcall(L, ci);
ci->u.l.trap = 1; /* assume trap is on, for now */