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---- Context ----

        This project, lglicua, strives to help install and use
        Lua+LuaRocks+IM/CD/IUP on GNU/Linux platforms.  For more
        detail about this Assistant, see the Full README.
---- End Context ----

I've just noticed that Linux Mint has just (2023-07-16) released
21.2, codenamed "Victoria".  This is a LTS (Long Term Support)
version, with EOL of 2027-04.  lglicua already supports a number
of Linux Mint versions, and, as expected, the latest lglicua
release (0.1-beta1, 2023-06-23) runs without problems.

LM 21.2 uses Kernel 5.15 (5.15.0-76-generic), and so the Tecgraf
tecmake.mak v4.21 is sufficient to fully build the system.


s-b etc