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Hi Luiz,

On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 5:14 PM Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
> We commemorate 30 years of Lua today: The earliest implementation of
> Lua that we have found to date has files dated 28 Jul 1993.
> We are planning a Lua Workshop in Rio to commemorate 30 years of Lua.
> The event will be held at PUC-Rio on 17 October:
> To known more about the history of Lua, read these papers:
> In particular, the HOPL III paper, "The evolution of Lua":
> To see how the implementation of Lua has evolved, see the various releases at
> In particular, try the package below, which contains all releases of Lua:
> On behalf of the Lua team, I thank you all for your interest in Lua
> and for your support and feedback during all these years, which have
> motivated us to keep developing Lua. We also thank Tecgraf and
> PUC-Rio, for providing an environment open to innovation.

Thank YOU Luiz, Roberto, Waldemar, and the rest of the Lua team (lab)
for sharing Lua. Learning Lua was a pivotal moment in my life which
made me aware of my passion for programming and computer science. I
wouldn't be where I am today not having learned Lua.

Happy 30th festivities!

Patrick Donnelly