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The tools you choose have consequences, yes. Those who stubbornly continue to use ancient 20th century tools should not act surprised when they struggle with emails sent in 2023 using 2023-era tools, like the Pixel 7 phone I'm sending this from at a gas station on a road trip. If you refuse to advance with the world, the world will leave you behind. 

On Mon, Jul 31, 2023, 09:45 Mouse <> wrote:
> [No apologies for top-posting or for paragraph-length lines. The world has m$

If you're OK with your mail being read only by people who have thus
"moved on", that's fine.  With that level of rudeness, I know *I* sure
am disinclined to read anything further you write.  (Yes, I consider it
rude.  See my blah post of 2012-09-26, available at, or more
precisely the last few paragraphs of the text file linked to from the
post, for why I think so.  Being entirely unapologetic doesn't help.)

> Some of us even do our mail on telephones these days, where
> fixed-length email lines turn into visual mess.

The tools you choose to use are, well, your choice - but when you make
a choice, you are also choosing its consequences.

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