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Henrique de Figueiredo published a Lua 5.1 binding of late Mike Ring's MAPM library in the 2000's.

I extended it over the years on a Lua 5.1 fork.

Are you interested in extending the Lua binding ?

You will find a C source proposal of the extension to Henrique's package at:



Extended features may be:

- polynomial term c*x^n,
- logarithm to the base of 2 and 10,
- logarithm to the base of any integer,
- exponentiation by an integer,
- support of Chebyshev polynomials,
- arcsecant,
- arccosecant,
- C's trunc,
- hypothenuse,
- sqrt(a^2 - b^2),
- square,
- cube,
- emulated fused multiply-add: a*b + c.