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Sean Conner wrote in
 |It was thus said that the Great Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo once stated:
 |>> BTW, somewhat ironically, the first few posts to the new list went \
 |>> straight to my Gmail spam
 |>> folder. I would recommend that folks look in theirs and mark the \
 |>> posts as non-spam. This is
 |>> probably just an issue at the beginning, until the spam filter is \
 |>> trained, and marking as
 |>> non-spam should help.
 |> Surprisingly, the same has happened to me today. :-(
 |  And here too.  I also subscribed to the list via GMail, and all the
 |messages have ended up on the spam folder.  It's clear that the left hand
 |doesn't know what the right hand is doing at Google.  I'm not even sure all
 |the fingers on one hand at Google know what the other fingers on the same
 |hand are doing.  But I digress ...

My Microsoft Outlook test account got blocked as such after i sent
a third SMTP message with the words, "Microsoft, SMTP, please", or
something.  I would now have to givem them a phone number or such.
(Luckily i have two other accounts there, only for testing my

I will not subscribe there.  I track the git repo, and the manual
is pretty fine.  I guess, if the time has come to be more intimate
with Lua, i will rather switch to use #lua at Libera.Chat.  (But
a pity it really is, i am in total favour of lurking via email.)


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
| Only in December: lightful Dubai COP28 Narendra Modi quote:
|  A small part of humanity has ruthlessly exploited nature.
|  But the entire humanity is bearing the cost of it,
|  especially the inhabitants of the Global South.
|  The selfishness of a few will lead the world into darkness,
|  not just for themselves but for the entire world.
|  [Christians might think of Revelation 11:18
|    The nations were angry, and your wrath has come[.]
|    [.]for destroying those who destroy the earth.
|   But i find the above more kind, and much friendlier]