Lua Data Formats

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Lua can be used as a language to represent data, not just as a general programming language.

Different languages have been devised for different types of data representation in text format [1]:

Although markup languages have been implemented in Lua [6], the Lua syntax is not in itself that suitable as a markup language. However, it has some nice capabilities for data serialization and interchange.

A number of different data representation styles may be used in Lua:

-- JSON style
library = { books = { {name="PiL", author="roberto"},
                      {name="BLP", author="kurt,aaron"} } }

-- Lisp/s-expression style
return {'library', {'book', name="PiL", author="roberto"},
                   {'book', name="BLP", author="kurt,aaron"} }

-- Java property page / INI / Unix config style
library.books[1].name = 'PiL'
library.books[1].author = 'roberto'
library.books[2].name = 'BLP'
library.books[2].author = 'kurt,aaron'

-- XML / object constructor style
library { book {name="PiL", author="roberto"},
          book {name="BLP", author="kurt,aaron"} }

-- XML with namespaces style
local LIB = require "library"
LIB.library { {name="PiL", author="roberto"},
     {name="BLP", author="kurt,aaron"} }

Features of Lua:

See Also

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Last edited September 11, 2011 3:29 am GMT (diff)