Lua Workshop Two Thousand Fourteen

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Ongoing arrangements for the Lua Workshop 2014.

The Workshop will be held for two days: Saturday, September, 13th, and Sunday, September, 14th 2014, at Moscow, Russia.

The spoken language of the Workshop is English. Translation to Russian is not planned (as Russian IT audience is usually well-versed in English). Translation for the after-talk questions from Russian-speaking attendees will be provided.

Participation in the Workshop is free of charge. Arrangements for lunches, coffee-breaks and dinners depend on the number of attendees and are to be announced later.


[Mail.Ru Group] office building.

Address: Russia, Moscow, Leningradsky prospekt 39, corp. 79 (Россия, Москва, Ленинградский проспект, дом 39, корпус 79, здание Mail.Ru Group). [Google map.]

The Workshop will be held in the main auditorium-hall, with a large screen and space for 100-120 attendees. In addition, there are a large conference room for up to 100 persons and two smaller conference rooms for 10 persons each, available for us on the same floor. Should there be a larger number of registrations, it is possible to use the larger auditorium instead, for up to 400 attendees.

Examples of available main auditorium-hall configurations:

More photos of the office building:

A Tentative Schedule of the Workshop

If there will be interest from the participants, it will be possible to organize group tours on the week after the Workshop — within Moscow and/or to St. Petersburg and nearby towns (like [Peterhof]).


There are three international airports in Moscow: Depending on where you are, there are good chances that you'll be able to arrange a direct flight.

If your flight arrives from (approximately) 04:00 AM to 00:00 AM, the best way to get to the city is to take a fast and comfortable Aeroexpress express train (trains from 05:00 AM to 01:00 AM, depending on the Airport). Please double check the schedule at:

If you arrive at night, then the best way is to arrange a taxi. Please use the official airport Taxi service, and avoid private drivers. You may also use online or mobile Taxi services, like Wheely, GetTaxi? or Yandex.Taxi (note that using Economic class cars with Yandex.Taxi is not recommended).

Your hotel may also provide an airport transfer service, free of charge in some hotels. Make sure to ask them.

Once in the city, the best way to get around is by the extensive Moscow Subway network. Car traffic in Moscow can be very congested, especially on business days. If you rent a car or order a taxi, you may spend a significant time in a traffic jam. On the nights and weekends the traffic is usually bearable, but keep in mind that suburban traffic (e.g. if you're going to/from an airport) is often very bad on weekends with good weather.


There are a great many hotels and hostels to pick from in Moscow. Use a service like to find one you like. Here is a link to a relevant search:

The Workshop location is within five minutes of walk from the Moscow Subway station, Aeroport (Аэропорт, Airport in Russian; note that there is no actual Airport there). The Moscow Subway network is extensive and reliable (and very beautiful) and usually not too jammed with passengers on weekends. You may use this service to find out approximate travel times from your hotel:

Visa Support

Please note that getting a Russian visa may take some time. It is better to start early.

Invitation letters for the Workshop attendees and speakers are available from organizers, upon request. Please allow for some time to get them made.

This seems to be a good guide on getting Russian visas (but please note that it is something that was googled up, and this guide and visa company are not endorsed by the organizers — as well as any other third-party companies on this page):

Please don't hesitate to contact the Workshop organizers if you have any questions or requests.

A Preliminary List of Prospective Participants


[Mail.Ru Group]



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Last edited May 8, 2014 8:28 pm GMT (diff)