Python Lists |
[Python] is a popular language that contains lists and dictionaries. Lua's table is a multipurpose container that is somewhere in between but in itself lacks functionality as a list. The functions table.insert
, table.remove
and table.getn
from the Lua standard library give tables list functionality (or more specifically termed arrays in Lua). The listing below emulates Python's list type. Section 5.1 [1] of the Python Tutorial documents Python's list functionality.
We create a class table, List
, containing methods. We use Lua's index metamethod to call the List
methods (for background info see ClassesAndMethods).
This version has been rewritten for Lua 5.1 (although the original has been kept) with overloads added for the concatenation and equality operators. For slices, the start and finish are now an inclusive range, which is more Lua-ish. There is also a slice_assign
method for the Python construct s[i1:i2] = seq
-- SteveDonovan
The code below allows you do things like:
lst = List:new() -- create an empty List lst2 = List:new{1,2,"blah",lst} -- create a list with some items in lst3 = List {10,20,30} -- List acts like a 'constructor' -- Our new methods lst:append("hello") lst:extend{"world", 35, 77, "?"} lst:insert(3,"how?") lst:remove(35) q = lst:pop() print( lst:index("world") ) print( lst:count("?") ) lst:sort() lst:reverse() print( lst[-2] ) a = lst:slice(3) b = lst:slice(-4,-2) lst:clear() lst:range(77) -- We can mix them with Lua's library calls table.insert(lst,"boo") print(#lst)
This interactive session demonstrates some of the operations. Note that these list
objects can be called as if they were functions, which is a shortcut for the
C:\lang\lua\projects\libs>lua Lua 5.1.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2007, PUC-Rio > require 'pylist' > a = List {10,20,30} > b = List {1,2,3} > = a..b {10,20,30,1,2,3} > = a:slice(2,3) {20,30} > = a[-1] 30 > = a:index(30) 3 > a:append(40) > = a {10,20,30,40} > = List {1,2} == List{1,2} true > = List {1,2} == List{1,4} false > = a(2,-1) {20} > = a(-2) {20,30}
-- Emulation of Python lists -- Nick Trout -- See, section 5.1 -- Note:The comments before some of the functions are from the Python docs -- and contain Python code. -- Written for Lua version 4.0 -- Redone for Lua 5.1, Steve Donovan. local tinsert = table.insert local tremove = table.remove local tsort = table.sort local write = io.write -- metatable for our list objects List = {} List.__index = List -- we give the metatable its own metatable so that we can call it like a function! _ListMT = {} setmetatable(List,_ListMT) function _ListMT.__call(tbl,arg) return List:new(arg) end -- Handle the index event -- note: this is called if something is _not_ present in the table. These are either -- negative indices, method names, or bad indices. function List:__index(i) local typ = type(i) if typ=="string" then local fn = List[i] if not fn then error("Bad List function: "..i) end return fn elseif typ=="number" then if i<0 then local sz = #self if i<-sz then error("List index out of range: "..i) end return self[sz+i+1] else error("Bad list index: "..i) end end end -- The newindex event handles list[i] = val, if i is not present in -- the list - used for negative indices! function List:__newindex(i,val) if type(i)=="number" then if i<0 then local sz = #self if i<-sz then error("List index out of range: "..i) end self[sz+i+1] = val else error("Bad list index: "..i) end end end local function simple_table(t) return type(t) == 'table' and getmetatable(t) ~= List end -- Create a new list. Can optionally pass a list eg. x=List:new{1,2,3} -- passing another instance of List will cause a _copy_ to be created -- we pass anything which isn't a simple table to iter() to work out -- an appropriate iterator function List:new(t) if not t then t={} elseif not simple_table(t) then local tbl = t t = {} for i,v in iter(tbl) do tinsert(t,v) end end setmetatable(t,List) return t end --Add an item to the end of the list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = [x]. function List:append(i) tinsert(self,i) end -- Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list; -- equivalent to a[len(a):] = L. function List:extend(L) assert(type(L)=="table","List:extend expecting a table") for i,v in ipairs(L) do tinsert(self,v) end end -- Insert an item at a given position. The first argument is the index of the -- element before which to insert, so a.insert(0, x) inserts at the front of -- the list, and a.insert(len(a), x) is equivalent to a.append(x). function List:insert(i, x) tinsert(self,i,x) end -- equivalent of Python's del s[i] List.delete = tremove -- Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. -- It is an error if there is no such item. function List:remove(x) for i=1,#self do if self[i]==x then tremove(self,i) return end end error("List:remove failed, item not found") end -- Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it. -- If no index is specified, a.pop() returns the last item in the list. -- The item is also removed from the list. function List:pop(i) if not i then i = #self end return tremove(self,i) end -- Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is x. -- It is an error if there is no such item. function List:index(x) for i=1,#self do if self[i]==x then return i end end error("List:index failed, item not found") end -- Return the number of times x appears in the list. function List:count(x) local cnt=0 for i=1,#self do if self[i]==x then cnt=cnt+1 end end return cnt end -- Sort the items of the list, in place. function List:sort() tsort(self) end -- Reverse the elements of the list, in place. function List:reverse() local t,n={},#self for i=1,n do t[i]=self[n-i+1] end -- reverse for i=1,n do self[i]=t[i] end -- copy back end local function normalize_slice(self,first,last) local sz = #self if not first then first=1 end if first<0 then first=sz+first+1 end -- make the range _inclusive_! if not last then last=sz end if last < 0 then last=sz+last end return first,last end -- Emulate the list slice eg. python_list[first:last] -- If first or last are negative then they are relative to the end of the list -- eg. slice(-2) gives last 2 entries in a list, -- eg. slice(-4,-2) gives from -4th to -2nd function List:slice(first,last) first,last = normalize_slice(self,first,last) local t=self:new() for i=first,last do tinsert(t,self[i]) end return t end -- empty the list function List:clear() for i=1,#self do tremove(self,i) end end -- Emulate Python's range(x) function which gives you a sequence of 0..x-1 -- Include it in List table for tidyness function List:range(x) local t=self if type(t) == 'number' then -- we did not get a self argument - it was a number! x = t t=List:new() end for i=0,x-1 do tinsert(t,i) end return t end -- Python len(list) is the same as #list function List:len() return #self end -- Extended operations -- -- equivalent to del s[i1:i2] function List:chop(i1,i2) i1,i2 = normalize_slice(self,i1,i2) for i = i1,i2 do tremove(self,i1) end end -- equivalent to s[idx:idx] = seq function List:splice(idx,seq) idx = idx - 1 for i,v in ipairs(seq) do tinsert(self,i+idx,v) end end -- general slice assignment s[i1:i2] = seq function List:slice_assign(i1,i2,seq) i1,i2 = normalize_slice(self,i1,i2) if i2 >= i1 then self:chop(i1,i2) end self:splice(i1,seq) end -- concatenation operator .. function List:__concat(L) local ls = self:slice(1,-1) -- making a copy! ls:extend(L) return ls end -- equality operator == function List:__eq(L) --~ print(#self,#L) if #self ~= #L then return false end for i = 1,#self do --~ print(self[i],L[i]) if self[i] ~= L[i] then return false end end return true end -- how our list should be rendered as a string -- note: really can't handle list items which are not strings or numbers function List:__tostring() return '{'..table.concat(self,',')..'}' end -- can use the call notation to extract slices! function List:__call(first,last) return self:slice(first,last) end function List:foreach(fun) for i,v in ipairs(self) do fun(v) end end -- capturing the Python concept of 'sequence'. -- In particular, this makes strings and file objects to be iterable sequences. function iter(seq) if type(seq) == 'string' then local idx = 0 local n = #seq local sub = string.sub return function () idx = idx + 1 if idx > n then return nil else return idx,sub(seq,idx,idx) end end elseif type(seq) == 'table' then return ipairs(seq) elseif type(seq) == 'function' then return seq() elseif type(seq) == 'userdata' and io.type(seq) == 'file' then local lines = seq:lines() local k = 0 return function () local line = lines() if not line then return nil else k = k + 1 return k,line end end end end -- test using: lua pylist.lua if arg and arg[0]=="pylist.lua" then local pr = function(l) for i=1,#l do io.write(l[i],' ') end print() end local lst = List:new() lst:append(10) lst:extend{20,30,40,50} assert (lst == List{10,20,30,40,50}) lst:insert(3,11) lst:remove(40) assert (lst == List{10,20,11,30,50}) local q=lst:pop() assert( lst:index(30)==4 ) assert( lst:count(10)==1 ) lst:sort() lst:reverse() assert (lst == List{30,20,11,10}) assert (lst[-1] == 10) assert (lst[-3] == 20) lst = List {10,20,30,40,50} assert (lst:slice(2) == List{20,30,40,50}) assert (lst:slice(-2) == List{40,50}) assert (lst:slice(nil,3) == List{10,20,30}) assert (lst:slice(2,4) == List{20,30,40}) assert (lst:slice(-4,-2) == List{20,30}) lst = List.range(10) seq = List{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} assert(lst == seq) assert (List('abcd') == List{'a','b','c','d'}) ls = List{10,20,30,40} ls:slice_assign(2,3,{21,31}) assert (ls == List{10,21,31,40}) end
The code below allows you do things like:
lst = List:new() -- create an empty List lst2 = List:new{1,2,"blah",lst} -- create a list with some items in -- Our new methods lst:append("hello") lst:extend{"world", 35, 77, "?"} lst:insert(3,"how?") lst:remove(35) q = lst:pop() print( lst:index("world") ) print( lst:count("?") ) lst:sort() lst:reverse() print( lst[-2] ) a = lst:slice(3) b = lst:slice(-4,-2) lst:clear() lst:range(77) -- We can mix them with Luas syntax tinsert(lst,"boo") print(getn(lst))
-- Emulation of Python lists -- Nick Trout -- See, section 5.1 -- Note:The comments before some of the functions are from the Python docs -- and contain Python code. -- Written for Lua version 4.0 List = settag({},newtag()) -- Handle the tagmethod "index" function List:_index(i) local typ = type(i) if typ=="string" then local fn = List[i] if not fn then error("Bad List function: "..i) end return fn elseif typ=="number" then if i<0 then local sz = getn(self) if i<-sz then error("List index out of range: "..i) end return self[sz+i+1] else error("Bad list index: "..i) end end end settagmethod(tag(List), "index", List._index) -- Create a new list. Can optionally pass a list eg. x=List:new{1,2,3} function List:new(t) if not t then t={} end settag(t,tag(List)) return t end --Add an item to the end of the list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = [x]. function List:append(i) tinsert(self,i) end -- Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list; -- equivalent to a[len(a):] = L. function List:extend(L) assert(type(L)=="table","List:extend expecting a table") for i=1,getn(L) do tinsert(self,L[i]) end end -- Insert an item at a given position. The first argument is the index of the -- element before which to insert, so a.insert(0, x) inserts at the front of -- the list, and a.insert(len(a), x) is equivalent to a.append(x). function List:insert(i, x) tinsert(self,i,x) end -- Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. -- It is an error if there is no such item. function List:remove(x) for i=1,getn(self) do if self[i]==x then tremove(self,i) return end end error("List:remove failed, item not found") end -- Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it. -- If no index is specified, a.pop() returns the last item in the list. -- The item is also removed from the list. function List:pop(i) local item=i if not item then item=getn(self) end return tremove(self) end -- Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is x. -- It is an error if there is no such item. function List:index(x) for i=1,getn(self) do if self[i]==x then return i end end error("List:index failed, item not found") end -- Return the number of times x appears in the list. function List:count(x) local cnt=0 for i=1,getn(self) do if self[i]==x then cnt=cnt+1 end end return cnt end -- Sort the items of the list, in place. function List:sort() sort(self) end -- Reverse the elements of the list, in place. function List:reverse() local t,n={},getn(self) for i=1,n do t[i]=self[n-i+1] end -- reverse for i=1,n do self[i]=t[i] end -- copy back end -- Emulate the list slice eg. python_list[first:last] -- If first or last are negative then they are relative to the end of the list -- eg. slice(-2) gives last 2 entries in a list, -- eg. slice(-4,-2) gives from -4th to -2nd function List:slice(first,last) local sz = getn(self) if not first then first=1 end if first<0 then first=sz+first+1 end if not last then last=sz else last=last-1 end if last<0 then last=sz+last+1 end local t=self:new() for i=first,last do tinsert(t,self[i]) end return t end -- empty the list function List:clear() for i=1,getn(self) do tremove(self,i) end end -- Emulate Pythons range(x) function which gives you a sequence of 0..x-1 -- Include it in List table for tidyness function List:range(x) local t=self if not t then t=List:new() end for i=0,x-1 do tinsert(t,i) end return t end -- Python len(list) is the same as getn List.len = getn -- test using: lua -f pylist.lua -test if arg and arg[1]=="-test" then local pr = function(l) for i=1,getn(l) do write(l[i]) end print() end local lst = List:new() lst:append("hello ") pr(lst) lst:extend{"world ","are ","you ","diddling ","?"} pr(lst) lst:insert(3,"how ") pr(lst) lst:remove("diddling ") pr(lst) local q=lst:pop() pr(lst) assert( lst:index("are ")==4 ) assert( lst:count("are ")==1 ) lst:sort() pr(lst) lst:reverse() pr(lst) tinsert(lst,"boo") pr(lst) print( getn(lst), lst:len(), List.len(lst) ) print( lst[1],lst[-1],lst[-3] ) --print( lst[0] ) -- test errors --print( lst[100] ) --print( lst[-100] ) write("list: ") pr(lst) write("[2:] : ") pr( lst:slice(2) ) write("[-2:] : ") pr( lst:slice(-2) ) write("[:3] : ") pr( lst:slice(nil,3) ) write("[:-2] : ") pr( lst:slice(nil,-2) ) write("[2:4] : ") pr( lst:slice(2,4) ) write("[-4:-2] : ") pr( lst:slice(-4,-2) ) lst:clear() pr(lst) pr( List:range(10) ) lst:range(20) pr(lst) end
Another handy feature of python lists, which can also be found in Haskell[2], is the specification of lists by comprehension: generating lists through cartesian products and filtering is made easier and more readable. Metalua comes with a sketchy implementation of this features, plus a couple of others idioms such as list sampling:
-{extension "clist"} -- integers from 2 to 50, by steps of 2: x = { i for i = 2, 50, 2 } -- the same, obtained by filtering over all integers <= 50: y = { i for i = 1, 50 if i%2==0 } -- prime numbers, implemented in an inefficient way: local sieve, n = { i for i=2, 100 }, 1 while n < #sieve do sieve = { i for i in values(sieve[1 ... n]); i for i in values(sieve[n+1 ... #sieve]) if i%sieve[n] ~= 0 } n += 1 end table.print(sieve)
An alternative implementation of this syntax (without the filter clause) can be found in LuaMacros -- SteveDonovan
There are several functions like List.index
which throw an error, rather than returning false. This is appropriate Python style, but more awkward in Lua because the built-in exception handling mechanism is more clumsy. So should these methods return a boolean, rather? We can depend on nil
not being a valid value, unlike in Python.
-- SteveDonovan