Recursive Data Types |
Say you want to represent a tree that has labelled nodes and numbered leaves.
To build such a data structure, you need a constructor for each variant of node: InteriorNode
and LeafNode
. And when traversing the data structure, you need a switch statement to do different things with the different data. The function deftype
[3] creates the constructors from a simple specification. The function cases
returns a
switching function that can be used to traverse the data structure.
require'DefType' deftype 'bintree' { 'number'; Node = { name ='string', left ='bintree', right='bintree', }; } local function node(name, left, right) return Node{name=name, left=left, right=right} end local tree = node( 'cow', node('rat', 1, 2), node('pig', node('dog', 3, 4), 5) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local leafsum leafsum = cases 'bintree' { number = function(n) return n end; Node = function(node) return leafsum(node.left) + leafsum(node.right) end; } io.write('leaf sum = ', leafsum(tree), '\n\n') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function indented(level, ...) io.write(string.rep(' ', level), unpack(arg)) end local treewalki treewalki = cases 'bintree' { number = function(n) io.write(' @LeafNode ', n, '\n') end; Node = function(node, level) local plus1 = level+1 io.write(' {\n') indented(plus1, '@InteriorNode ',, '\n') indented(plus1, '@left') treewalki(node.left, plus1) indented(plus1, '@right') treewalki(node.right, plus1) indented(level, '}\n') end; } local function treewalk(t) io.write('@Tree') treewalki(t, 0) end treewalk(tree)
leaf sum = 15 @Tree { @InteriorNode cow @left { @InteriorNode rat @left @LeafNode 1 @right @LeafNode 2 } @right { @InteriorNode pig @left { @InteriorNode dog @left @LeafNode 3 @right @LeafNode 4 } @right @LeafNode 5 } }
The tree diagram was generated by Lout[2] from []. Ghostscript was used to convert from EPS to JPG.