Scite Numbered Bookmarks |
ctrl+K 1
to set the first bookmark, and Ctrl+Q 1
to go to that bookmark, etc. Although my prefered style is the SciTE default (F2
to move to next bookmark), some people may find this useful.
It is an example of how to create custom bookmarks with characters with Scintilla, and how to manage objects on a per-file basis using OnOpen
and OnSwitchFile
This script uses the SciteExtMan loader for convenience, although I hope it should be clear how to do it using straight SciTE/Lua scripting.
-- borland.lua -- Defines borland-style numbered bookmarks. -- Put this in your extman scite_lua directory. scite_Command { 'ctrl-k|do_ctrl_command k|Ctrl+K', 'ctrl-q|do_ctrl_command q|Ctrl+Q', } local gMarksMap = {} local gMarks scite_OnOpen(function(f) gMarksMap[f] = {} end) scite_OnSwitchFile(function(f) gMarks = gMarksMap[f] end) function current_line() return editor:LineFromPosition(editor.CurrentPos)+1 end local markers_defined = false local base = 9 function define_markers() local zero = string.byte('0') for i = 1,9 do editor:MarkerDefine(i+base,SC_MARK_CHARACTER + zero + i) end markers_defined = true end function do_ctrl_command(key) editor:BeginUndoAction() scite_OnChar('once',function (ch) editor:EndUndoAction() editor:Undo() local num = tonumber(ch) local mark = num and gMarks[num] local line = current_line() if key == 'k' and num then if not markers_defined then define_markers() end if mark then -- clear mark gMarks[num] = nil editor:MarkerDelete(line-1,num+base) else gMarks[num] = line editor:MarkerAdd(line-1,num+base) end elseif key == 'q' and mark then editor:GotoLine(mark-1) end return true end) end