Scite Script Manager

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Why Create a New Script Manager?

Before you get the wrong idea, Script Manager was not created to eliminate Steve Donovan's extman. If you've never used SciteExtMan before, it is strongly recommended that you check it out. Without it, this file wouldn't exist. Script Manager was created to expand on extman's ideas by adding different elements and functions. In addition, Script Manager was made to be a very user-friendly and smart script manager.

Here are the lastest versions of Script Manager's files:

Script Manager Compatibility

Like extman, Script Manager is a lua script manager for SciTE. It enables multiple scripts to capture standard and custom events without interfering with other scripts. Script Manager was created with SciTE v1.75 on Windows ME and I hate it, especially because I can't update to SciTE v1.76. Before you use Script Manager, you need to know what it is and is not compatible with:


Script Manager is just as easy to install as extman. Just set the ext.lua.startup.script to the manager file (ScriptManager.lua). Like extman, a specific directory can be set, except now the property is If you have any questions about Script Manager, just look in the documentation, it has just about everything you need to know about Script Manager.

Example Scripts

The example scripts in the 'Manager Hooks' directory are not explained in the documentation. You will notice that the scripts (minus 1) from extman are not included; because they are compatible, you can just move them over if you need them. Although they are explained within the files themselves, here is a little information about the scripts:

Suggestions, Comments, Help

I am open to suggestions and comments, along with the help for GTK compatibility and SciteOther. So, if you have anything to say about Script Manager or you have any problems, post them here:

(Start of Suggestions, Comments, and Help)

ScriptManger? is missing another function of extman, it's entirely missing any reference to the spawner

(End of Suggestions, Comments, and Help)
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Last edited September 16, 2012 11:14 pm GMT (diff)