Sorted Iteration Simple

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A simple approach using metatables to store the keys added in a table that can be sorted and then traversed vis <this>:ipairs() or <this>:spairs();

If one would need to access the table one could add a reference; holding the access functios in a metatable hides these from a normal traversal of the table but not from the lookup; still access is quite fast;

An implemention to view the table by sorted by values would be no problem if one doesn't delete any entries.

   LUA 5.1 compatible
   Sorted Ordered Table
   keys added will also be stored in a metatable
   they can be called via for i,k in <this>:ipairs() do
   where k is they key of <this> sorted by fsort
   the table holding sorted keys is placed outside the metatable, so one cannot reach it except over the functions
   variable names inside __index shouldn't be added, if so you must delete these again to access the metavariable
   or change the metavariable names, , except for the 'del' command. thats the reason why one cannot change its value
function newT( t )
   local mt,_korder = {},{}
   local fsort = function( a,b ) return tostring(a) < tostring(b) end
   local isSorted = true
   -- set methods
   -- index gets only called if the value is not found in the original table
   -- overridden values can be accessed again by deleting the variable over t[key] = nil
   mt.__index = {
      -- traversal of hidden values
      hidden = function() return pairs( mt.__index ) end,
      -- traversal of table ordered: returning index, key
      ipairs = function( self )
         if not isSorted then
            table.sort( _korder,fsort )
            isSorted = true
         return ipairs( _korder )
      -- traversal of table
      pairs = function( self ) return pairs( self ) end,
      -- traversal of table sorted: returning key,value
      spairs = function( self )
         if not isSorted then
            table.sort( _korder,fsort )
            isSorted = true
         local i = 0
         local function iter( self )
            i = i + 1
            local k = _korder[i]
            if k then
               return k,self[k]
         return iter,self
      -- to be able to delete entries we must write a delete function
      del = function( self,key )
         -- check if key exists beforestarting the traversal
         if self[key] then
            self[key] = nil
            for i,k in ipairs( _korder ) do
               if k == key then
                  table.remove( _korder,i )
   -- set new index handling, is really on new index !!!
   -- setting an non exisitng key to nil will pass here
   mt.__newindex = function( self,k,v )
      if k ~= "del" and v then
         rawset( self,k,v )
         table.insert( _korder,k )
         isSorted = false
   return setmetatable( t or {},mt )
t = newT()

t["a"] = "1"
t["ab"] = "2"
t["abc"] = "3"
t["abcd"] = "4"
t["abcde"] = "5"
t[1] = 6
t[2] = 7
t[3] = 8
t[4] = 9
t[5] = 10

print(">> t:pairs()")
for k,v in t:pairs() do
   print( k,v )
print(">> t:ipairs()")
for i,k in t:ipairs() do
   print( i,k,t[k] )
print(">> t:spairs()")
for i,v in t:spairs() do
   print( i,v )
print(">> t:del( 3 )")
t:del( 3 )
print(">> t:del( \"abc\" )")
t:del( "abc" )
print(">> t:spairs()")
for i,v in t:spairs() do
   print( i,v )
print(">> = 11") = 11
print(">> t:spairs()")
for i,v in t:spairs() do
   print( i,v )
>> t:pairs()
1       6
2       7
3       8
4       9
a       1
ab      2
abcd    4
abcde   5
5       10
abc     3
>> t:ipairs()
1       1       6
2       2       7
3       3       8
4       4       9
5       5       10
6       a       1
7       ab      2
8       abc     3
9       abcd    4
10      abcde   5
>> t:spairs()
1       6
2       7
3       8
4       9
5       10
a       1
ab      2
abc     3
abcd    4
abcde   5
>> t:del( 3 )
>> t:del( "abc" )
>> t:spairs()
1       6
2       7
4       9
5       10
a       1
ab      2
abcd    4
abcde   5
>> = 11
>> t:spairs()
1       6
2       7
4       9
5       10
a       1
ab      2
abc     11
abcd    4
abcde   5

Other iterations, including iteration sorted by key

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Last edited June 5, 2007 12:12 am GMT (diff)