Wiki Stats

lua-users home

Here is a list of all pages.[1]

Samples of the size of this wiki:

date            pages   content size
----            -----   ------------
2015-May        949     5076 K
2007-Jan        553     2096 K
2006-Apr        461     1665 K
2004-Jul        303     1053 K
2004-Jan        270      927 K
2003-Jul        244      879 K
2003-Jan        163      499 K

The stats are manually collected as follows:

wget -E  -k -K -p -r -l 1 --wait 1 --random-wait -r -l 1 --wait 1 --random-wait
find -name '*.html'  |  xargs -I {} -L1 w3m -dump {} >> text_dump
du -BK text_dump

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Last edited May 16, 2015 6:57 am GMT (diff)