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-----Original Message-----
From: Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Date: 18. marts 2000 04:06
Subject: Re: Lua Future (Was: Re: The ~)

>We need lots of applications written in Lua,
>We need many more general purpose libraries.
>This is one of the main obstacles 
>to take Lua into the main stream.................. 
>We also need development tools, such as an IDE,
> including a debugger.........

For what it's worth, I'm fiddling with a Lua-gui system.
Currently using a binding to the FLTK widget set ( ),
but trying to keep the underlying toolkit easily interchangable
with something else. 
FLTK fits Lua extremely well, however, being compact, simple, modular,
and cross-platform to a reasonable extent. A full Lua Wish-like
shell - with everything statically linked - compiles to well below 400kB.

The idea is to produce a full Lua IDE, including a Delphi-like RAD
tool - ideally written entirely in Lua. 
The whole thing should run on all (sort of) X-nix and WinDos platforms.

There will be a web-page for this in a couple of weeks - to  be announced. 
Participation welcome.


To the authors of Lua: Thanks for this breath of fresh air.
Lua is clean, cool, and clear. It's great FUN to work with.
(But where's the10 MB minimal source distribution?)

Claus H. Karstensen