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Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> wrote:

>   Without users Lua would be just yet another language. Users and their
>   uses are the ultimate test for a language. From them we got bug
>   reports, design flaws, new ways of seeing reality. Special thanks go
>   to the members of the discussion list, for their suggestions,
>   complaints, and mainly for bearing with our sometimes autocratic style.

The one wish I'd love to see granted is read-only access to the active
code base - i.e. to *see* what your upcoming 4.1 is starting to look
like.  With such visibility, a 4.1 release can be tracked by those who
wish to - so that when the time comes, much more can be ready alongside
it.  A daily cron/tar/upload is all it takes (CVS would be nicer still).
 And who knows - you might receive a few more quick bug fixes this way.

Autocracy is fine - empowering others to help you would be better still!

