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Since we've been talking about some enhancements to Lua
(new ... syntax, select()), I thought I'd bring up
something.  One time I wrote a curry function (see below)
and I found that most of the work was in writing a function
that works just like unpack but takes multiple arguments
(i.e., multunpack({1, 2}, {3, 4}) returns 1, 2, 3, and 4).
Is there a good reason why the stock unpack shouldn't do

-- Act like unpack, but accept multiple arguments:
local function multunpack(...)
  local ret = {}
  for _, tbl in ipairs(arg) do
    for _, rec in ipairs(tbl) do
      table.insert(ret, rec)
    end -- for _, rec
  end -- for _, tbl
  return unpack(ret)
end -- multunpack

-- Return a function such that calling it will be like
-- calling fnc with the arguments given to curry coming
-- first in the argument list; (curry(foo, 1, 2))(3, 4) is
-- equivalent to foo(1, 2, 3, 4).
function curry(fnc, ...)
  local curriedargs = arg
  return function(...)
           return fnc(multunpack(curriedargs, arg))
         end -- function
end -- curry
