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> I fail to see the relation with the Asko thread...
> Please, remember to create a new message with a new subject when having
> something new to announce (and the common practice is to prefix the
> subject with [ANN]).

Yes -- I realized that about 10 seconds after I hit "Send". (Esprit
d'escalier ....)

Sorry about that.

I've changed the "About" page to answer the questions you mentioned weren't
immediately obvious:

In short:
* Free of charge (but not open source)
* Windows 32-bit platforms (unless you compiled the C++ parser source on
another platform)
* Programming platforms
   * C++ (across any platform that has a C++ compiler)
   * PowerBASIC (Windows)
   * C#, VB.NET, any language that supports COM automation (Windows)
* Reduction code in C++ or Lua

Quinn Tyler Jackson