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Hamster, the number one (and only?) Lua-based build engine has today been uploaded with a new, modular version.

Old stuff:
- works with make/nmake, SCons, or just-plain-build-all
- 100% implemented in Lua
- supports Lua 5.0 and later
- supports Linux, OS X, Win32, WinCE, *BSD, QNX, ...

New in this version:
- ability to easily use with custom compilers (take 'hamster_gcc.lua', rename & modify)
- also otherwise, chopped into a multifile layout
- updated documentation (pdf)
- now launched with 'lua -l hamster' syntax (or '-l hamster_gcc' if you want to enforce a compiler)


The uploaded version is 'raw', it should work, and any bugs will be promptly fixed. However, due to extensive rework there may still be some glitches introduced. Use at your own risk.