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Assuming you refuse to use LuaSQL and really want to do your database
connectivity with LuaSocket...

> Is it possible to include LuaSocket into the standard Lua language
> without any changes to the existing syntax (eg. require and so on)
> As an example its easy to include the posix library only on the C side
> to enhance the standard language. But how is this possible with
> LuaSocket? I dislike all the additional stuff: http ftp smpt...

I am not sure I understand what is it that you dislike. Lua "standard"
does not come with support for sockets. You have to do something to get
that support loaded and available. This can be done with the "require"
business, or you can build your own interpreter and "preinstall"
everything so that scripts can just use it as if someone else had called

Is that enough?
