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On 9/8/05, Javier Guerra <> wrote:
> well, since the only use of parsed_url.port is to set SERVER_PORT for CGILua, it's functionally equivalent.

Unless I also use parsed_url.port in my application to detect port
mangling (ala firewalls), which I do (eg: the request port is
different from the server port so the port has been redirected). Then
the difference between the 2 port values can be important.

So, would you store the _serverport value in the request, perhaps
adding this line to the connection() function in httpd.lua:

    req.serverport = _serverport

and then, possibly, change this line in the set_cgivars() function in

    SERVER_PORT = req.serverport,

(I only ask because I'd like to patch Xavante on my end to be close to
what the official implementation will be.)

> i like (1) much better

Go for it, Javier!  And thank you very much.
