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On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 07:50:38PM +0200, Wolfgang Oertl wrote:

> Now and then I call collectgarbage("collect") and
> collectgarbage("count"), and see that more and more memory is
> being used depending on the application.  Is there a way to see
> what this memory is used by?  A debugger telling me where each
> object has been allocated would be very useful, too.  Any hints?
> (lua-5.1-alpha)

In 5.0 you'd be able to bound the problem using a line hook and
lua_getgccount(L).  I think tracing references in the VM may be more

This makes me wonder if there's a debugging interface to object
references outside of {lua.h,lualib.h,lauxlib.h}.  Perhaps one of the
Lua gurus could comment?


Shannon Stewman         | Let us walk through the waning night,
Caught in a whirlpool,  | As dawn-rays tickle our toes, the dew soothes
A quartering act:       | Our blistered soles, and damp bones stir
Solitude or society?    | As crimson cracks under the blue-grey sky.