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On 1/18/06, Chris Marrin <> wrote:
> Since Lua is single threaded and coroutines do not implicitly yield, we
> could just have an errno property in the osex package variable. But then
> you have to think about dealing with errors if you ever need to yield
> and it does not allow for hooks that implicitly yield, like has been
> discussed here.

Here is a problem. Consider two OS threads with two Lua VMs.
On some OSs errno is not threadsafe.
I would not have errno as a property. Drop it from the osex, it
gains very little.

> Ignoring the existing io package issues for a second, returning an error
> for most of the osex functions proposed is easy. But what object could
> be used to hold the error for the files() iterator? Any syggestions?

nil, errorstring - error
nil,nil  - ok termination

> --
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