With Lua 5.0 I get:
C:\cygwin\home\Agret\lua-5.0\bin>luac.exe -l C:\PSP\GTA\LUASCRIPTS
luac: virtual machine mismatch in C:\PSP\GTA\LUASCRIPTS\SPAWN.LUA.LC:
size of number is 8 but read 4
With Lua 5.0.1 I get:
C:\cygwin\home\Agret\lua-5.0.2\bin>luac.exe -l C:\PSP\GTA\LUASCRIPTS
luac: virtual machine mismatch in C:\PSP\GTA\LUASCRIPTS
\SPAWN.LUA.LC: size of nu
mber is 8 but read 4
With Lua 5.1 I get:
C:\cygwin\home\Agret\lua-5.1\src>luac.exe -l C:\PSP\GTA\LUASCRIPTS
luac: C:\PSP\GTA\LUASCRIPTS\SPAWN.LUA.LC: bad header in precompiled
On 2/27/06, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <lhf@tecgraf.puc-rio.br>
Anyone got any methods of decryption?
Try "luac -l".
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